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Goju Ryu I.K.O. is the Goju-Ryu style branch founded by Master Soshihan Gonnohyoue Yamamoto 10th Dan I.K.O., director of Honbu Dojo - Kanda Renseikan - in Tokyo, Japan.

The Masters of Goju-Ryu I.K.O. have the purpose of spreading I.K.O.'s Traditional Goju Ryu Karate according to the directives and will of the founder Soshihan G. Yamamoto 10th Dan.

All the Masters adhering to such a style branch are responsible for their own groups before the Honbu Dojo and conform to I.K.O.'s Principles.

“Via martial arts we promote the education and growth of one's individual personality, and with the practice of Karatedo we learn the Japanese culture. It is hence our duty to follow in the footsteps of its founders and to keep the original tradition alive, by relying upon those values of mutual respect and courtesy that are unfortunately too often neglected in our modern society.”

Group coordinator: Master Mauro Cancellieri Shihan VIII Dan - Kyoshi


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