Logo IKOGoju Ryu I.K.O. Italia Logo IKO Italia

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Loghi Federazioni

16/10/2016: Training Session with Soshihan Yamamoto 10th Dan IKO in Rome
14/10/2016: Training Session with Soshihan Yamamoto 10th Dan IKO in Veneto at Porto Viro (RO)
13/12/2015: Training Session with Shihan Peter McGuire 6th Dan IKO coming from Sidney (Australia)
13/09/2015: Training Session with Soshihan Yamamoto 10th Dan IKO, coming back to Italy after 23 years for his Group
30/03/2014: Training Session for adults at Club Monteverde in Via Santorre di Santarosa, 68, Rome
19/04/2015: Training Session for children and adults at Pala Virtus in Via Casetta Mattei, 108, Rome

Group coordinator: Master Mauro Cancellieri Shihan IX Dan - Hanshi


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